I wanted to put up a post for future search engines.  In all cases
below, when I am talking about MusicIP, I mean MusicIp headless on a
linux box.  I used a windows box and the GUI to scan/generate muscip
tags and archive them into the music files.

I recently installed MusicIP on a Centos7 box, with music stored on a
large file system, and encountered problems.   Searching didn't turn up
any solution, but after a little investigation, I was able to figure out
the issue, and get it working.

If you have MusicIP working, you can skip this post.   If you've
installed the headless server, and you get "Error loading html." when
you visit http://host:10002/, or that works, but every time you enter a
directory to scan to create a musicip database, it doesn't appear to do
anything, then this may help.

Root cause:  MusicIP is a compiled binary with older code.  It
references files with "32 bit inodes" which in some cases have been
replaced by "64 bit inodes" on newer filesystems that are large (in the
case of Centos7, the default XFS greater than 1 tb will get 64bit
inodes).  The program doesn't deal with the 64bit returned value, and
fails in a relatively silent way.  You already need to install the 32bit
libraries to get musicip running, but that's been documented in things
I've already found.

The normal fix for this is to recompile with more modern libraries, but
they are not available to best of my knowledge as this is abandoned
commercial software with no source code.

My fix was to install the headless client into /opt/musicip, which is
located on a small partition, so not using the inode64.  You can follow
the normal instructions from the musicip setup, just ensure you are on a
"smaller", less than a 1tb sized drive.  You are on the wrong size
filesystem if running the app gives you the "Error loading html."
instead of the normal html page.

I then mounted my music via a NFS "loopback" mount my music with
NFS_INO64 turned off, as described here -
https://access.redhat.com/solutions/22256 - this converts the 64bit file
references to 32bit for you. I'm sure there is a performance impact of
some sort, but it's been minor enough that I haven't seen any issues.

You need to enable the NFS server, and edit /etc/exports, and add your
music collection


Disable the inode64, as detailed in the redhat link above:

    echo "options nfs enable_ino64=0"  > /etc/modprobe.d/nfs.conf

I am not documenting how to enable and startup an NFS server right now,
there are numerous searching instructions for that.  You may need to
reboot at this point to ensure the module change above works (advanced
users can just unload the modules and reload it).

Then you can create a directory and mount it:

    mkdir /music
  mount -t nfs localhost:/path/to/music /music

I'm assuming your music files have all the music-ip data stored in tags
already from the GUI app.

Now run the musicip server, validate it works at http://hostname:10002/,
and enter "/music" into the scan for music.  It should change the screen
slightly and show you that it's scanning.  When it's done, you should be
able to use the "search songs" to see it find songs in your collection.

Following any of the other directions out there should be good at this
point.  If you have questions, or spotted something wrong please feel
free to post.

Hope that helps someone in the future.

Matt Drown's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=69476
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