dolodobendan wrote: 
> Oops. Sorry about that. Does it work in English? I could have sworn I
> just copied it to avoid exactly that (there was no %1 in the previous
> translation).

No problem, mistakes happen :-) Not sure what you mean by "Does it work
in English" - all strings are in English. When you select a new
language, Material sees if the english string has a mapping to the
chosen language - and if so uses the mapped version. If you mean does
(e.g) "Sync '%1' with:" get replaced with "Sync 'Wibble' with:" - then
yes. Material's translation system is *very* simple, and only supports
%1 and %2 - so you can have (e.g.) "Move queue from %1 to %2". But the
translated version can only have the same number of % markers as the
original untranslated US-English version.

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