Well I cant exactly remember how I put it in.. either I copy/pasted it
from the last.fm page.. or I generated it somehow via the web

For some reason the last.fm page (in contrast zu the other station
links) seems to generate music links with "+" instead of spaces - no
idea why, since it also works with spaces.

I'm dont exactly know what the music stations do.. but there's a lot of
them on the last.fm page.

Oh.. but the original problem just happened again (without any "plus"
stations beeing in my list).

This morning to start last.fm I clicked on the first station in my last
in the webinterface, but it started playing a totally different station
- BUT interestingly enough it was the last station I had listened to
last night. So the problem might be somewhere there.

Unfortunately I didnt have logging enabled, since I had thought the
problem was gone with the deletion of the + station.

Anyways, now I turned on logging - so I can provide you with the log
the next time it happens.

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