Today from Spotify on my PC, I remotely control Spotty on LMS to play a
It stops after one or two or three songs. Re-duplicable

Below is server.log. I hope it can help.
Due to forum limit, I break the log into more posts.

[20-05-04 19:14:06.7119]
Plugins::Spotty::ProtocolHandler::getMetadataFor (170) Returning
metadata cached in song object for spotify:track:1lx8ddGT5wCD6W2xmLeRKG
[20-05-04 19:14:06.7127]
Plugins::Spotty::ProtocolHandler::getMetadataFor (170) Returning
metadata cached in song object for spotify:track:1lx8ddGT5wCD6W2xmLeRKG
[20-05-04 19:14:11.5598] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (361)
Got called from spotty helper: change
[20-05-04 19:14:11.5610] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1308) Trying to
read from cache for me
[20-05-04 19:14:11.5614] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1311) Returning
cached data for me
[20-05-04 19:14:11.5624] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1317) API call:
[20-05-04 19:14:11.6869]
Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::checkAPIConnectPlayers (215)
Updating id of Connect connected dameon for b8:27:eb:65:73:88
[20-05-04 19:14:11.6886] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1308) Trying to
read from cache for
[20-05-04 19:14:11.6889] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1317) API call:
[20-05-04 19:14:11.7174] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::Context::addPlay
(126) Adding track to played list:
[20-05-04 19:14:11.7243] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (397)
Current Connect state:
do {
my $a = {
actions                  => {
disallows => {
skipping_prev => bless(do{\(my
$o = 1)}, "JSON::XS::Boolean"),
"toggling_repeat_track" =>
context                  => {
external_urls => {
spotify =>
href =>
type => "playlist",
uri =>
"currently_playing_type" => "track",
device                   => {
id =>
is_active => 'fix',
is_private_session => bless(do{\(my $o
= 0)}, "JSON::XS::Boolean"),
is_restricted => 'fix',
name => "piCorePlayer",
type => "Speaker",
volume_percent => 50,
is_playing               => 'fix',
item                     => {
album => {
album_type => "album",
artists => [
id =>
name => "Barbra
uri =>
id =>
name => "Kris
uri =>
id => "435mubtZvkoTYIPXWy3seP",
image =>
name => "A Star Is Born",
release_date => "1976-11",
"release_date_precision" =>
total_tracks => 11,
uri =>
artists => [
id =>
name => "Barbra Streisand",
uri =>
disc_number => 1,
duration_ms => 184_800,
explicit => 'fix',
id => "2IcqY68BxP1ONPi3ME6aje",
image =>
is_playable => 'fix',
name => "Evergreen (Love Theme from,
"A Star Is Born")",
popularity => 66,
track_number => 6,
uri =>
progress                 => "0.255",
progress_ms              => 255,
repeat_state             => "off",
shuffle_state            => 'fix',
timestamp                => "1588590851278",
track                    => {
album => {
album_type => "album",
artists => [
id =>
name => "Barbra
uri =>
id =>
name => "Kris
uri =>
id => "435mubtZvkoTYIPXWy3seP",
image =>
name => "A Star Is Born",
release_date => "1976-11",
"release_date_precision" =>
total_tracks => 11,
uri =>
artists => [
id =>
name => "Barbra Streisand",
uri =>
disc_number => 1,
duration_ms => 184_800,
explicit => bless(do{\(my $o = 0)},
id => "2IcqY68BxP1ONPi3ME6aje",
image =>
is_playable => bless(do{\(my $o = 1)},
name => "Evergreen (Love Theme from,
"A Star Is Born")",
popularity => 66,
track => bless(do{\(my $o = 1)},
track_number => 6,
uri =>
$a->{actions}{disallows}{"toggling_repeat_track"} =
$a->{device}{is_active} =
$a->{device}{is_restricted} = \${$a->{device}{is_private_session}};
$a->{is_playing} = \${$a->{actions}{disallows}{skipping_prev}};
$a->{item}{explicit} = \${$a->{device}{is_private_session}};
$a->{item}{is_playable} =
$a->{shuffle_state} = \${$a->{device}{is_private_session}};
($a, "change");

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