I will check tomorrow. AFAIK I didn't touch the binairies.
Thanks for the pointer.

The binaries are different:

admin@xxx:/volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/CPAN/auto/EV$ ls -l
total 148
-r-xr-xr-x 1 admin users 150580 Sep 13  2017 EV.so

admin@xxx:/volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/CPAN/auto/EV$ ls -l ~/CPAN/auto/EV/
total 164
-r-xr-xr-x 1 admin users 164856 Jun  1 22:05 EV.so

The first one is from the working 1588308753 build, the second one from the latest (never mind the timestamp, I copied that file around).

Is there a "file" replacement command on Synology? That would help me to identify what kinde of file that is.

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