Multi-disk albums with artwork per disk folder - show the disk-specific
image for the playing track on the Now Playing track page, and the
screen saver.
Edit view suggestion box supported for 2nd or subsequent entry of
multi-item fields.

Show custom fields on track/album views, move album label to same
Unsquare covers - allow click in padding area main view (for focus &
menu), and scale properly in new albums toolbar.
Workaround to mCustomScrollbar error on hierarchy view.

Shuffle mode available for embedded player and squeezebox players
(disables playlist manipulation when on)
1. Add shuffle mode for HQPlayer

Add Remaining time of playing track to Now Playing page.
Fix selection from edit tracks window auto-complete.

Special handling of long album subheader:
- if it would wrap to 2nd line on album subheader (on album page), put
underneath the page header section, at the top of the page.
- if it would wrap to 2nd line on album subheader (on artist page), put
underneath the album header section, before the track listing (still
visible if tracks collapsed).
- maximum width 225px on popup (ellpises shown to indicate more is
available on drilling down to album page)
- double-width field for inputting album subheader on edit tracks
Album popup info display issues fixed at right and bottom edges of
Fixed year/letter list on LHS - show scrollbar on hover if higher than
the space available (can use mousewheel).

Ability to read in track notes (lyrics) and album notes via custom
Show the playlist length and total time on hover (over header)
Update the playlist length and total time on deleting a track.

TrackPlayed event registered from LMS on finishing playing last song of
playlist (gets play count incremented).
Album sub-header 30 characters or less shown as cover badge on albums
and artist views.
Applying DB changes no longer clears filter
Album subheader on new line of hover info
Lightbox theme rearrangement with consistent height across columns

Restyling of cloud view expansions, retain expanded groups across
requeries (refresh, resize, filter, theme change).
Default thumbnail size now 180 rather than 120, but names have to retain
xNNN.pnx suffix for anything other than 120
Hierarchy tree hotkeys to scroll quickly to a letter (while mouse is
over tree)

Upgraded to .NET 4.7
Better handling of high DPI settings
Persist position of left panel splitter.

Make F11 & other menu shortcuts work when main browser in focus.
Add refresh option to View menu with F5 shortcut.
Change browser icons.
Prevent New Albums toolbar resizing on browser reload.

Stop then start on track leaves NP as not playing anything
Re-collate albums after re-import album folder

Show Year range on album if multiple
- show date range on albums view, in album header, on artist view (list
of albums), other album list in album page, and similar artist album
list in album/artist page
- for sorting take earliest year if sorting chronologically, or the
latest year if sorting most recent first.
- still show year range if some tracks do not have a year specified
- for (Non-Album Tracks) collections, do not show year range

Treat Lyricist ID3v2 tag (for mp3 files) such that it can be imported
with #TEXT import action (it is stored with id TEXT internally) 
Fix album cover size for additional albums loaded in viewing All albums
after scrolling down.
Made filter search include album notes in its album matching criteria
.01: Put version after muso logo in splash screen.
.02: Put playlist update in background ((refreshes UI but main loop is
still in foreground so suspends actions)).
Importing multiple custom tags adds space after each separator. 
.03: Handle non-standard characters in HQPlayer paths (do not
.04: Full album switch handled properly when all other filtering off. 

Standardise size of user agreement form.

Buffer folder option for Default player
Explicitly order contributors by id in synch with LMS - should help in
preserving order of multiple tags from flac files.

- use any size thumbnail generated
- show filetype and album subtitle on album list view and header
- restored the start page images
Album rating pushes ratings for all tracks to LMS if trackstat on
01: Minor fixes to group and track header logic.

Separate filespec is provided for disk art matching.

Classical Period & Homeland in hierarchy now checks at track level by
composer, not album level by titled artist.
Patch 01: Stop mobile search field navigating back to home page.
Patch 02: [none] classical homeland allows list of composers not on
Patch 03: Classical composers not homeless by association.
Patch 04: Strip role attributes for artist collation including
Patch 05: Sort out hierarchy tree issues.

Remote search matches have filetype info added
Consistently handle links in notes & lyrics.

Prev/Next links in Track page - steps thru tracks in playlist or album,
depending on how the track page was invoked (via now playing link or
Suppress play next options from context menus when in shuffle mode.
Improve drag image into album logic - show explanation in status bar on
Hierarchy sorted by album count, when filtered it should now re-sort the
5. Deal with Mac and Mc in composer names - initCap the remainder

Version 2.5 of ATL library which makes tags in WAV files more

Works with HQPlayer 4
.01 Works with HQPlayer 3 too

Fixed google image search for album cover, and subsequent drag into

Fixed HQPlayer track play index

Option to refresh playlist on track change (useful for keeping in synch
LMS Random Play feature, for example), default is Off.

Allow db edit search/replace to be used on paths - to change server name
for example.
Re-Arm playlist buttons when playlist cleared.

Fixed HQPlayer4 track delete/move index

Fix Clear Tag option.
Add Classical genre button if specialised classical turned on.
Option to hide custom tags from album/track view.
Only trim group header from start of track title if it exists, not all

Album play count is now the total number of track plays, not the average
number of track plays
Expanded cloud groups now properly apply any filter
Fix top level hierarchy bubble counts when Full Albums ticked

Option to do a quick scan of folders on startup

muso developer
4 x SB3, 3 x SBB, 1 x SBT
jezbo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9888
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=81685

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