Am 05.07.2020 um 00:43 schrieb blacsno:

schoeppi wrote:
Am 03.07.2020 um 19:42 schrieb Christian Schoepplein:

I have a Lumin U1 Mini and it is recognized by the UPnP bridge plugin
in LMS. But when trying to play some music I can hear nothing :-(.

OK, mp3 seems to work, but nothing else :-(. No flac via Qobuz and no
ogg / pcm via Spotify :-(.

I've read through the manual and tried to understand what settings might

help, but so far no success :-(.

I won't even pretend to be an expert on LMS UPnP bridge. I would try the
Apple Airplay plugin to get yourself up and running first.

The AirPlay plugin is working without a problem, I've only had to enable encryption for the connection.

AirPlay is OK for music from Spotify and cd quality, but everything with higher bitrates will be downsampled and I'd like to use the player with hires material from Qobuz...

I'll take a further look and play around with the settings if noone has a better idea. IMHO it should work, e.g. inAudirvana the player is available as a target player and can be used without problems via UPnP, so in theory it should also work with LMS and the UPnP bridge...

Are there other people here with players from e.g. Linn? How does your upnpbridge.xml file look like?

Cheers and thanks,


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