garym wrote: 
> do you mean download songs for playback away from your home LMS server?
> Like Spotify?  I do not think this is possible with LMS even with

That is possible - SqueezeCtrl supports this. The only way the skin
could do this itself is to download an album as a ZIP file, but not sure
of the usefulness of that. I could add the feature to the APK - as it
could get a list of URLs from the skin, and then download from LMS track
by track. I had thought about adding this, but its a lot of work
(download queue, progress, cancelling, handling restarts, conflicts,
etc) for a use case I don't have. And the APK was only ever meant to be
a simple WebView wrapper. The APK is open source, so happy for someone
else to look into this.

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4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS will be logged here.
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