> A couple other people have reported this in the past.  I haven't been
> able to duplicate it on my own systems so I haven't been able to
> determine what the cause is.  Some people believe it has to do with the
> wunderground functionality.  Do you have a wunderground station entered?
> You can try removing that.  I'd also recommend running a fairly recent
> SlimServer nightly as a couple people reported the problem going away
> after they upgraded to a newer version of SlimServer.

I've seen the same thing since about forever. I don't use a wunderground
station, and I'm currently using SlimServer 6.5.2, the 2007-02-09 nightly
to be precise, along with the most recent SuperDateTime version for 6.5.
But as I said, I've seen this with prior versions of both Slimserver and

My "solution" for the moment is a big hack, but it does work: I created a
batch file with the following lines in it:

net stop slimsvc
net start slimsvc

and then created a scheduled task under Windows XP to run it at 4AM every
day, effectively rebooting the Slimserver once a day. Because otherwise
memory usage goes up and up, slowly but surely, from about 100MB to well
over 250MB and more.

I know my kids are addicted to the sports scores and definitely do check
it by using the left/right arrows a few times each day; for the most part
my Squeezebox is used more for this than to actually play music! So I
don't know if just leaving it alone makes any difference vs. actively
using it. In any event, my "solution" works for the moment.

Greg, maybe I could zip up my whole installation including all my
settings, etc., and upload it somewhere where you could grab it and try it
for yourself. It doesn't take long to see the memory usage increase. Not
sure what would be involved to debug it, however. But at least this way
you have an installation that you know will exhibit the problem,


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