woozle wrote: 
> Thanks Philippe!
> It got its knickers in a twist initially - wouldn't install, kept saying
> it was, but then there was an update, and just kept going round in
> circles. I've had it before with other plugins, but couldn't remember
> how I'd solved it... so went to bed. This morning, it had obviously had
> a better sleep than I did, and installed fine and seems to be working
> again.

Seeing the same behaviour here, but not resolved this morning..

[20-11-02 11:41:56.7371] Slim::Utils::PluginDownloader::_installDownload
(210) digest does not match
/Users/roon/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/DownloadedPlugins/UPnPBridge.zip -
UPnPBridge will not be installed: expected
6027c8affb8c0282b5393150521ee9c2339d0804, got


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