expectingtofly wrote: 
> Actually,  this appears to be a straight forward transcoding problem.  I
> assume you are playing on a player that can't play AAC natively.  What
> do you have set for "file type" in advanced for AAC.

You are correct that this is a player problem. I was trying to play
Sounds on a PicorePlayer running on a Pi Zero. This morning I tried
playing on an SB Touch, and that worked fine.

The AAC settings look mostly like yours, but I notice that the (I, F) is
often transposed in mine. Don't know what that means.


Maybe I should ask for help on the PicorePlayer thread.

|Filename: aac.jpg                                                  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=32095|

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