mherger wrote: 
> > The issue is confirmed when looking in
> > /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/plugin/spotty.prefs.
> > Is this a bug? Can I edit the prefs file manually to solve it?
> I'm sorry for the delay... is this ongoing? I believe the "human 
> readable" names can sometimes take a while before they show up.
> -- 
> Michael

The issue wasn't about the unreadable usernames, the human readable
Spotify profile names indeed came through after a few minutes.
What I described was with these human readable names. To my surprise
that issue solved itself auto-magically; when I checked it the next
morning all display names were ok and also the prefs file contained the
right data. Very strange?! You can see in the prefs file above that it
contains the name 'Ivo' twice, which is wrong.

Which leads me to another question: 
How can I add an artist or album to a specific's Spotify user-library
when using the default LMS gui or Material skin?

*Living Room:* HifiBerry DAC+ Pro & piCorePlayer
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