afriend wrote: 
> It does "mimic" the TrackStat API (as the linked code shows) in all
> except, *of course*, the plugin name: ['ratingslight', 'setrating',
> '_trackid', '_rating'].

OK, in git/master (for 2.1.0) I have added (untested) support for this.
To detect the plugin I call -["can", "trackstat", "getrating", "?"]- for
TrackStat. If this returns "_can:1" then TrackStat is used. Otherwise I
call -["can", "ratingslight", "getrating", "?"]- to check for
ratingslight. This also needs to return "_can:1" If it does, I then call
-["pref", "plugin.ratingslight:rating_10scale", "?"]- to check the
rating scale. This should return 1 if 10 is max rating, otherwise 5 is

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