bpa wrote: 
> The plugin can be installed and it can remain between restarts.
> The following thread has Erland comments and I think more definitive and
> has a discussion about LMS' own Ratings capabilities.
> https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?113311-Is-the-TrackStat-plugin-still-working-with-LMS-8-x
> Trackstat is no longer supported by Erland.  
> It only has a version no for LMS 7.* so will not appear in 8.0
> repository but you can manually download from Erland site, manually
> install the plugin & then update its install.xml file to run in 8.0) in
> the "Plugins" directory  and so will remain after restart - make you do
> not install in the "Plugin" (no last s) or the InstalledPlugins/Plugins
> directory under Cache 
> Because of limited https support, LMS 7.9.3 will have problem accessing
> plugin repositories and so you have other problems if you stay with
> 7.9.3

Many thanks BPA - incidentally the problem accessing plugin repositories
is the reason I ended up on 8.0.0!!  Was trying to go back full circle
and fall back into what i hoped would be the safe hands of 7.9.3.

I will try to manually install the plugin as per your instructions - I'm
assuming I can access the folders and alter the xml through samba -
hopefully all should turn out well .

Really appreciate you taking the time helping me out.

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