For the second time in as many weeks my brownie point collection has
been massively boosted thanks to an expectedtofly plugin. First, when
BBCiPlayer Listen Again was finally shafted by the BBC I was immediately
and almost seamlessly able to switch she-who-must-be-obeyed to
BBCSounds, and then today, when asked whether she could listen to Times
Radio it was another "here's one I prepared earlier" moment, and within
5 minutes there it was.

Many thanks expectedtofly, no doubt you will get your reward in
Squeezebox heaven.

I would also vote to add the "Show in Radio Menu" option to the Times
Radio plugin just for consistency of interface if you decide to go down
that route. The Squeezebox Radio interface is not the most user-friendly
so being able to group the most-frequently used streams together makes
life a lot easier - for her and therefore for me.

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1556111457 @ Wed Apr 24 17:35:35
WEDT 2019 on Windows 7
BBCiPlayer 1.6.10
BBCiPlayer Extras 3.4.0
BBC Sounds 2.7.2
Times Radio 2.0.2
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