Hello Roland,

I did what you suggested, adding -d all=info to the squeezelite process,
here is the result:

> root@StudioCube:~# squeezelite -a 16:4:32:0  -b 10000:200000 -r 192000
> -R -u v::6:32:60:150:0 -p 85 -C 5 -n 'Studio' -s -d all=info
> [10:53:45.827882] stream_init:448 init stream
> [10:53:45.858866] output_init_alsa:940 init output
> [10:53:45.859088] output_init_alsa:980 requested alsa_buffer: 16
> alsa_period: 4 format: 32 mmap: 0
> [10:53:45.926929] output_init_common:425 supported rates: 192000 176400
> 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22500 16000 12000 11025 8000
> [10:53:46.676938] output_init_alsa:1006 memory locked
> [10:53:46.677698] output_init_alsa:1012 glibc detected using mallopt
> [10:53:46.685445] decode_init:153 init decode
> [10:53:46.697967] load_faad:633 loaded libfaad.so.2
> [10:53:46.698100] register_faad:663 using faad to decode aac
> [10:53:46.709063] load_vorbis:351 loaded libvorbisfile.so.3
> [10:53:46.709196] register_vorbis:380 using vorbis to decode ogg
> [10:53:46.712446] load_flac:304 loaded libFLAC.so.8
> [10:53:46.712572] register_flac:332 using flac to decode ogf,flc
> [10:53:46.712631] register_pcm:483 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
> [10:53:46.714567] load_mad:394 loaded libmad.so.0
> [10:53:46.714793] register_mad:423 using mad to decode mp3
> [10:53:46.720562] load_soxr:269 loaded libsoxr.so.0
> [10:53:46.720743] resample_init:362 resampling sync recipe: 0x06, flags:
> 0x00, scale: 0.50, precision: 32.0, passband_end: 0.60000,
> stopband_begin: 1.50000, phase_response: 0.0
> [10:53:46.721429] slimproto:887 connecting to
> [10:53:46.724406] slimproto:926 connected
> [10:53:46.724548] sendHELO:142 mac: b8:27:eb:f0:1a:54
> [10:53:46.724723] sendHELO:144 cap:
> Model=squeezelite,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigitalOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Firmware=v1.9.8-1307,ModelName=SqueezeLite,MaxSampleRate=192000,aac,ogg,ogf,flc,aif,pcm,mp3
> [10:53:46.760960] codec_open:264 codec open: 'a'
> [10:53:46.761102] faad_open:558 opening adts stream
> [10:53:46.761267] connect_socket:158 connecting to
> [10:53:46.782828] stream_sock:591 header: GET /fip-hifi.aac HTTP/1.0
> Cache-Control: no-cache
> Connection: close
> Accept: */*
> Host: icecast.radiofrance.fr
> User-Agent: iTunes/4.7.1 (Linux; N; Debian; armv7l-linux; FR; utf8)
> SqueezeCenter, Squeezebox Server, Logitech Media
> Server/8.0.0/1605892076
> Icy-MetaData: 1
> [10:53:46.921502] stream_thread:325 headers: len: 503
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Server: nginx
> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2020 09:53:46 GMT
> Content-Type: audio/aac
> Connection: close
> icy-br: 192
> ice-audio-info: channels=2;samplerate=48000;bitrate=192
> icy-br: 192
> icy-name: fip-hifi.aac
> icy-pub: 1
> Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
> Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
> Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
> Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With,
> Content-Type, Icy-MetaData
> Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS, SOURCE, PUT, HEAD, STATS
> [10:53:47.024325] faad_decode:385 samplerate: 48000 channels: 2
> [10:53:47.024491] faad_decode:390 setting track_start
> [10:53:47.025010] resample_newstream:189 resampling from 48000 ->
> 192000
> [10:53:47.028678] process_newstream:124 processing: active
> [10:53:47.159315] output_thread:687 open output device: default
> [10:53:47.159467] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
> [10:53:47.240253] alsa_open:422 opened device default using format:
> S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 0
> [10:53:47.247208] alsa_open:513 buffer: 16 period: 4 -> buffer size: 704
> period size: 176
> [10:53:47.251682] _output_frames:64 start buffer frames: 77400
> [10:53:47.251764] _output_frames:152 track start sample rate: 192000
> replay_gain: 0
> [10:53:47.261889] output_thread:687 open output device: default
> [10:53:47.262555] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 192000
> [10:53:47.342959] alsa_open:422 opened device default using format:
> S32_LE sample rate: 192000 mmap: 0
> [10:53:47.348614] alsa_open:513 buffer: 16 period: 4 -> buffer size:
> 3072 period size: 768

I have a few questions:
1) I can't get that information if I run squeezelite as a daemon (-z
2) I don't understand what is going on with the input sample rate
[10:53:47.024325] FAAD_DECODE:385 SAMPLERATE: 48000 CHANNELS: 2
[10:53:47.025010] RESAMPLE_NEWSTREAM:189 RESAMPLING FROM 48000 ->
[10:53:47.159467] ALSA_OPEN:351 OPENING DEVICE AT: 44100
At the begining it is 48000 (as it should be), then it is reasample from
48000 to 192000, as it should be too, then, I see alsa open device at
44100 ????
3) I tried your latest grep

    tac /var/log/logitechmediaserver/squeezelite.log | grep -m 1 "resampling 

> tac: impossible d'ouvrir '/var/log/logitechmediaserver/squeezelite.log'
> en lecture: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
I have no log although I have activated the logs in advanced settings
4) Getting the samplerate from the log file isn't a high latency way ?
5) As Squeezelite gets the stream sample rate, it looks to me that
adding a conditional GPIO from inside Squeezelite should be the most
efficient way to go, isn't it ?


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