MPO wrote: 
> Ok, thanks for the suggestion guys!
> In order not to have to reconfigure all server settings (and for all 9
> players..) is there a way to save all plugins and all settings from the
> current install and reinstate them once the buster version is there?
> Max2play has a save LMS settings function (it provides a 190mb tar file
> in my situation). Would that work or do you know of better
> alternatives?
> regards/groeten!

I found this

I do think the M2P have dropped the ball of late (well for quite a while
actually :()

I would suggest:

Mahe a copy of your current install using Win32Disk Imager, Apple
piBaker or even install Raspberry PI OS on a spare card and use the
Image copier facility :)

Use the method described by garym, elsewhere to copy your "favs and
prefs" just incase.

Whenyou have a copy of the OS you are now using, burn that to a spare
card (maybe Santa left a few) for the exercise.

Good Luck


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