A new version (1.18) of the Custom Scan plugin is now available, the new
functionallity and changes are:
Added new parameters regarding ratings in LastFM playlist
Corrected problem with non ascii characters in title formats
- Added Mixed Tag scanning module, makes it possible to combine custom
tags and slimserver tags in any menu level order (Requires Custom
Browse 1.22)
- Added LastFM tags/similar artist templates for inserting in Now
Playing menu and Song Info web page
- Added init/exit methods for scanning modules (internal changes, not
visible to en user)
- Added menu templates and templates for page headers for inserting -
Mixed Tag scanning module data (Requires Custom Browse 1.22)
- Added Dynamic Tag menu template which makes it possible to
dynamically browse your tags in unlimited number of levels and order (a
bit slow at the moment) (Requires Custom Browse 1.22)

The big news this time is the Mixed Tag scanning module which makes it
possible to combine standard SlimServer tags with your Custom Tags in
any order you like when you create a multi level menu. 
But the real new thing is the Dynamic Tag menu template which makes it
possible to browse your music in any order you like and any number of
levels. It uses the Mixed Tag scanning module, so you will have to
perform a scan with it first before you start using it. To use the
Dynamic Tag men you just create a new menu using Custom Browse and
select Dynamic Tag. It's a bit slow at the moment, so if you have a
large music collection it might not be usable. But I would still like
to get some feed back on the menu structure, because I currently feel
it is a bit user unfriendly.

Some of the new functionallity requires Custom Browse 1.22 or later to
work and the library functionality requires Multi Library 1.4 or

The LastFM and Amazon scanning modules are quite slow and will almost
lock the slimserver interface during scanning, scanning will take
approximately 1-2 seconds per artist/album in your library. The reason
for this is license restrictions, you can choose to disable the LastFM
and Amazon scanning modules if you feel this is a problem.

To use the Amazon scanning module you will need to apply for a free
access keys to Amazon web services, see more info in included
README.txt about this.

The Custom Scan plugin only works on slimserver 6.5 and later so don't
try to use it on slimserver 6.3 or earlier.

The new version is available at my 'download page'
(http://erland.homeip.net/download) as usual.

The current wish/todo list for new features in comming CustomScan
releases can be found here:

If anyone have more feature requests or if I have missed some feature
you already have requested which hasn't been implemented, please let me
know. Also please note that it is a wish list and not a release plan, so
some features on this list may never be implemented.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29156

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