Do you get the IDs from MusicBrainz? If so, why do they change on each
scan (and why are mine so much shorter than MusicBrainz IDs)?

No, but some include them in the tags. LMS would then consider different IDs different artists. Lack of those IDs LMS would combine to artists of the same name.

How would these plugins interact with the MAI cache?

CustomBrowse artist menus use MAI's artist image.
Likewise, TrackStat most-played (and least played) artist menus get the
artist image.

Ok, good to know! But I believe the plugin should continue to work with these IDs.

Yes, please share with me.

How should I share them? Although based on your mention of MusicBrainz

Never mind. I think I already got most of it working (discovering other bugs on the way...).

IDs above, I'm not sure my change is the right approach. What if we
could put a stable ID in the database (e.g., MusicBrainz if found, and a
hash of the artist name if not)? That seems like it could maintain the
performance improvement while still addressing the problem of
identically-named artists and without the need to change Erland plugins
(which is problematic to say the least...).

The hash idea is problematic, as it doesn't allow the reverse lookup: if a hash was sent, I'd have to have some hash -> artist mapping somewhere. I think I'll still give the name a try (probably the Musicbrainz ID, too), seeing how much of a problem this really is.
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