foxesden wrote: 
> Hi - This is an issue with the underlying plugin setup. It is quite easy
> to fix.
> locate the file *install.xml* in the plugin folder. On windows this is
> likely to be *C:\Program Files (x86)\Squeezebox\server\Plugins\InguzEQ
> *and change the max version tag value as the default is 7. I have
> highlighted the value in red below as per my edited file.
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <extension>
> <description>PLUGIN_INGUZEQ_MODULEDESC</description>
> <module>Plugins::InguzEQ::Plugin</module>
> <version>0.9.33</version>
> <creator>Inguz Audio</creator>
> <email></email>
> <homepageURL></homepageURL>
> <id>B2097381-C0A6-4fac-834E-652E7714FDDA</id>
> <optionsURL>plugins/InguzEQ/index.html</optionsURL>
> <type>2</type>
> <defaultState>enabled</defaultState>
> <targetApplication>
> <id>SqueezeCenter</id>
> <minVersion>7.3.0</minVersion>
> <maxVersion>*9.**</maxVersion>
> </targetApplication>
> </extension>

Hi Foxesden, the plugin has this value: EQ (v0.9.33).

Is this the correct value: 

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