pippin wrote: 
> Have you tried the small one?
> Yea, that would require a completely separate player, though.
> The way iPeng playback works is that it's a player on your server setup
> and that means it's controlled by the server. That includes all of the
> streaming and if you try to stream too far ahead the server can get
> confused.
> That's why using the small buffer can actually give you better results
> if you have a decent connection.
> I assume you also did try to set the bitrate limiting for cellular to
> "off"? These days, bitrates usually are no longer an issue but
> transcoding on the server side could be.

I did try both buffer sizes and and no bitrate limiting.
Since others are able to use the iPeng player successfully over VPN, it
is something peculiar to my setup.
Since the problem is more in a moving car, it has something to do with
Since I have no difficulty streaming smoothly to other applications and
the problem is exaggerated if a co traveler attempts a search, it
suggests that iPeng player is more dependent on a consistently good two
way connection and a responsive server.
Your explanation that iPeng is controlled by the server then leads me to
the conclusion that I need to improve the performance of LMS at home.
Thank you so much for answering and keeping this wonderful system alive.

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