nyindieguy wrote: 
> With the "multiple genres/select decade" playlist, it selected only 9
> songs in spite of there being hundreds that would have qualified. All of
> the 9 songs were from 1960, in spite of having selected that entire
> decade of the '60s. When I tried a second time, the exact same 8 songs
> came up.
There was a line I forgot to delete. Fixed.

nyindieguy wrote: 
> With the "multiple genres/select year" playlist, the songs seemed like
> they were correct, though not as shuffled as I might have wanted, but
> ended after several hours of play, when there should have been enough
> songs to last all day. The big tipoff was no Beatles included when Rock
> and Roll was one of the selected genres and 1967 was the selected year.

I recreated this as best I could. A static playlist with about 1500
tracks incl. all Beatles tracks I could find.
Then I called the DPL context playlist from above (with year=1967 and
the genres of the tracks in the static playlist) - and no problem, 1967,
Beatles and all. Reasonably shuffled as well - though if the source is a
playlist with albums (compared to your entire library) I would expect
groups of tracks from the same album to show up.

P.S. Your posts are easier to read if you don't quote/repost the entire
playlist code :-)

*Plugin repositories:* 'Ratings Light'
(https://github.com/AF-1/lms-ratingslight) •••• 'Visual Statistics'
(https://github.com/AF-1/lms-visualstatistics) •••• 'Use Comment Tag
Info' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-usecommenttaginfo) •••• 'Dynamic
Playlists 3 FAQ' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists#faq) ••••
'Custom Skip 3 FAQ' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-customskip#faq)
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