cpd73 wrote: 
> This happens when you have enabled LMS's option to group multi-disc
> albums as one album. When one of these is clicked Material prompts for
> which disc to use - all or a particular disc.
> To detemrine when to show this dialog Material checks the LMS setting,
> and then shows this for albums where LMS indicates a 'disccount' of
> greater than 1.
> Looks like in this case you have bad tags, where you have a single disc
> but LMS still returns 'disccount' greater than 1.

Thanks for the information. I've been out of town, or I would have
replied sooner.

The affected albums turned out to have a "DISCTOTAL" tag and to have
that tag set to a number >1. (These albums also have a "TRACKTOTAL" tag,
but it doesn't cause problems.) This tag is unfamiliar to me. My older
albums don't have it at all.

The albums that were showing this problem were mostly multi-disc sets,
but not always.

The system running LMS (a piCorePlayer) had a mysterious crash the
evening before I noticed the problem. This probably has to do with the
introduction of this problem, though I have no idea how. I don't see how
that would have introduced these tags or changed their values in a
sensible way. They must have been there but not "noticed" somehow prior
to the crash.

Anyway, setting DISCTOTAL=1, or better, removing the tag, fixes the

Only Material is affected by this, btw. The default LMS web interface
doesn't seem to notice.

Thanks again for your help and, as always, for your work on this
wonderful software.


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