bpa wrote: 
> OK good got a hard record of what should be output to the player.
> There could be many reasons for stopping after 5 mins - this thread is
> only dealing with checking whether socketwrapper's watchdog or other
> behaviour is killing the stream. 
> To know what is happening - you must get socketwrapper to generate log
> output and then also see the end of the output.
> To get socketwrapper log which could detail why playing stops after 5
> mins 
> 1. Stop LMS running
> 2. Open a command prompt windows, made it wide and long (use its own
> menu)  and then run LMS from the command prompt
> 3. Enable player.source logging to DEBUG, this sets the "-D" option for
> socketwrapper but as socketwrapper is run in its own process, this is
> the only way to see its log output.
> 4. Play the problem stream.
> 5. The bad news is that LMS log will be mixed with socketwrapper log in
> the command prompt window and the windows is finite in length - so after
> stream ends you need to CTRL/C and stop LMS so that the command prompt
> output can be saved - use command prompt menu to "select All and then
> "Copy" and then paste the saved log into text file, to zip and attach to
> a post.

Unfortunately you lose me at #2. I don't have a clue about running LMS
from the command prompt. As far as the rest is concerned, I'll play with
command prompt window buffer because I'm afraid that given the amount of
text that player.source in debug mode outputs... by default it would
truncate stuff.

But first I need help with #2.

bpa wrote: 
> Editing logs is never a good idea as sometimes it is the messages that
> are missing or the order or timing or messages that holds clues.
> Better to zip log file and attach to a post.
> Was there an "end of file" message  in the log before editing, such as 
> > 
  >   > 
  > [22-03-06 17:59:54.5136] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (378) end of 
file or error on socket, song pos: 42161853
> > 
My editing was limited, literally, only to deleting repeating lines of
the same message I've quoted. I kept beginnings and ends of those
sections, in order not to break "continuity".

But to answer your question, yes, it's there at line 227 on the pastebin
I linked.

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