I recently purchased the Apple 4kTV and installed it on my local network
via ethernet.  I am running LMS v8.2.0, on a Raspberry pi 3B,
picoreplayer and using the LMS web UI on a Macbook Pro (Monterey 12.6).
I've frequently read this thread, although I never had an interest in
testing it out until I got this new Apple Device.

I selected the squeeze2raop-aarch64-static binary, clicked on enable
logs, and then applied to restart.  The status changed to 'running' and
a list of all of my LMS players, amazon firestick, 2 AVRS, and my wife's
Macbook; the Apple 4kTV was not listed, but the pair button displayed. 
Clicked the button, and the code appeared on the monitor.  I hit submit
and waited.  The "long line" next to the Pair button (as explained here: never displayed, nor did
the Apple 4kTV appear on the list.

Both LMS and Apple 4kTV are connected via ethernet, my Macbook pro is on

I was able to cut and paste the log before it disappeared:

> Starting Squeeze2raop:
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/RaopBridge/Bin/squeeze2raop-aarch64-static
> -Z -I -f /usr/local/slimserver/Logs/raopbridge.log -x
> /usr/local/slimserver/prefs/raopbridge.xml
> [15:04:45.956718] main:1572 Starting squeeze2raop version: v0.4.63.1
> (Feb 21 2022 @ 18:43:24)
> [15:04:45.957256] Start:1314 Binding to
> [15:04:45.957537] StartActiveRemote:1202 DACP port: 44355

I apologize if this has been addressed in this thread.  I tried a
search, and attempted reading through quite a few pages, but I didn't
find anything definitive.  Any help or links would be appreciated!

stereoptic's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=53162
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=105198

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