DYmR* wrote: 
> Thanks for your answers and please excuse my unclear question.
> Actually I wanted to attach a picture -which unfortunately did not work-
> then it would have become clear which DNS queries it is about.
> It concerns requests to my LogitechMediaServer(LMS)...
> here is an example how my squeezelite instances are started
> > 
  >   > squeezelite -n "DiningRoom" -o card1_stereofront -a 80:::0: -m 
ab:ef:cd:34:12:55 -C 1 -z -s logitechmediaserver
> > 
> "logitechmediaserver" is the hostname of my LMS
> Per second pCB sends about 8 requests to my pihole to retrieve the IP
> from "logitechmediaserver".
> I hope my problem is now more understandable, if there are still open
> questions... please ask

Are you sure you have your domain names correctly set on pihole ?

Mine seems to work fine My player asks for the address of the server
only occasionally 

Whats is the output from 

    pihole -t | grep -B 4 -A 4 <Player IP Address>

On the pihole ?


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