Just uploaded Moose 0.60 to http://groups.google.com/group/moosenews
and normal website.

Mainly been sorting out the cover chooser and thumbnail system.

Oh, I've also added Pandora coverart support - let me know asap if
this doesnt work as my pandora trial ends this friday..

Here's a full list of changes:

* Cover Chooser - Text drawn for cover circles
* Cover Chooser - Fixed spacing algorithm a bit to make things feel better
* Cover Chooser - Scroll bar added and covers scroll off left and
right when being un-shown
* Cover Chooser - Fixed the context menu so it works
* Cover Chooser - The hilighted item now clips correctly to the edges
* Now Playing - Support added for Pandora album-art
* Now Playing - Hopefully fixed issue with windows 2000 redraw of the playlist
* Now Playing - Removed close and minimise buttons from title-bar and
made minimise to tray the new closing option
* Now Playing - un-minimising from tray correctly lays out the panels now
* Networking - Tweaked the way moose talks to the server - hopefully
this will cure some of the IP address issues
* MySql - Tweaked the way the mysql connector connects to the database
- hopefully this will cure some of the IP address issues
* Thumbnail Scanning - Re-coded the way thumbnail scanning works. It's
now a good idea to keep the 'Update Thumbnail cache after a rescan'
option on - it'll be much quicker and recalculates the hues for the
coverchooser from the cached thumbnails.
* Thumbnail Scanning - Also now requests artwork from amazon if it's
not on the server. A maximum of 50 albums are requested each scan to
save swamping amazon. These 50 albums are chosen randomly on each scan
and 100x100 jpgs stored in the thumbs folder.
* Full screen mode - Menu hidden by default, but moving mouse to top
of screen will show it
* Touch screen mode - Fixed button positions and panel clipping
problems - not fixed text/glyphs in buttons yet
* Options - Now possible to disable tooltips (options->Now Playing tab)
* Options - Greyed out the new connection code option since it causes CPU issues
* Options - Added text about server IP
* Added '\server=xx.xx.xx.xx', '\player=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' and
'\moofile=file.moo' command line options which allow moose to connect
to a specified server/player
* Probably other stuff..


- Dr Lovegrove
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