Along the lines of improvements for colonies (like that phrase!), two
aspects of player sync in 6.5.x bug me:
1) forgetting Player B is synced to Player A. Turning both off.
Starting music on Player A. Walking to another room, turning on Player
B. Having Player A restart the song it's on.
2) forgetting that joining a sync group forces a song to start over

How to fix that? Another plugin, of course, which would
1) offer a global setting to remove a player from a sync group when
it's turned off (so once A or B turned off, they'd cease to be linked)
2) offer a global setting for "delayed joining". Trap join commands
and, if the sync group is playing local files, wait for a New Song or
Pause event to actually add the late joiners.
3) offer a player UI to "force join now" for those times you want to
join the sync group even though that means restarting a song


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