A while ago I raised bug 6479 "Can't play LastFM songs that don't exist in my library", which has been closed because it was identified that the parseDirectHeaders method should return '128000' for the bitrate field.
The SqueezeScrobbler plugin was returning 128_000, so I edited my copy of the plugin to remove the underscore, and this seemed to get LastFM streaming working again for me. I had a look for the latest LastFM plugin on sourceforge (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=105780), to see if any change had been incorporated to fix this officially. The latest version for SC7 is listed as SqueezeScrobbler_v1.1.5.zip. However, when I open the ReadMe.html in that zip, it is reporting version 1.1.3. That version of the plugin still returns bitrate 128_000, and thus doesn't work. Has a fix been made? James made a comment on my bug report saying that internal plugins return a bitrate of 128_000, so his plugin was just doing the same thing. Does this mean that some internal plugins are also wrong? Phil _______________________________________________ plugins mailing list plugins@lists.slimdevices.com http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/plugins