On 23-Feb-08, at 9:06 AM, wnshall wrote:

> Seron;272221 Wrote:
>> Hi, I hope I won't step on anyones toes by writing in this thread.  
>> I'm
>> wondering where I could get the Bookmark plugin for slimserver 6.5.4
>> which it seems amcfarla also is using. On 'kdf's plugin page'
>> (http://code.google.com/p/kdfplugins/downloads/list?can=1&q=&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+Size+DownloadCount
>> )
>> I find only Plugins-Bookmark-Plugin_v30.zip which seems to be for
>> slimserver 7.0 as stated in install.xml. Or can it be used for 6.5.4?
> try http://code.google.com/p/kdfplugins/source/browse
> look under Tags->6.3.x->Legacy
> I didn't see a version under 6.5.x, have downloaded the 6.3 version,
> but haven't tried it yet.

erk.  It's possible that it works, which would explain why it's not  
there.  Unfortunately the server that used to hold this stuff is  
dead.  I managed to move the old plugins before the drive failed  
completely, but that's no longer an option.  I haven't used 6.5.x in  
over a year.

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