pippin;280895 Wrote: 
> So, finally managed to get MusicIP to work on my Mac...
> I think I got the artwork issue fixed but I cannot reproduce the hash
> issue. Maybe it just went away with the artwork fix (after all I now
> use the track id for the cover so if this was related to cover loading
> it may make sense, but then... hmm, no, not really since I still try to
> load the full album when clicking the cover.
The album cover is displayed correctly in 0.3.10, but when I click on
the album cover it launches the incorrect album. The hash no longer
seems to be there, but there is the same album id used in the onClick
action independent if the tracks belong to the same album or not.

Sample HTML:

  <tr class = "listRow" style = "padding: 3;">
        <td class = "listRow coverimg" 
                onClick = 'changeOSD("The Way You Love Me Now Playing"); 
addItemLoad("playlist&amp;loadtracks&amp;album.id=23", 0, true);'
                title="7. The Way You Love Me (********)">
                                <img STYLE="border: none" 
src="/music/964/cover_46x46_f_FFFFFF.png" width="46">
                <td colspan = 1 class = "listRow" 
                        style = "padding-left: 10;" 
                        title = "7. The Way You Love Me (********)">
                <a class = "tapblock" href="javascript:void(0);" 
                                        onClick = 'playTrack (964);'
                        title="7. The Way You Love Me (********)">
                <span class = 'listFullTitle'>7. The Way You Love Me...
                <span class = "listFullArtist">
  class="browseItemLink"><span>Faith Hill</span></a><br>
                <span style = "height: 0; font-size: 4">&nbsp;</span>
                <a class = "tapblockHalf" 
                <span class = "listFullArtist" 
                <td class = "listRow" 
                        align = 'right' 
                        style = "width: 35; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 
  <img src=/iPeng/html/images/blue_plus_trans.png onClick = 'changeOSD("Adding 
to end of playlist:<br>The Way You Love Me"); 
 evaluatePlaylist();' border=0 alt='Add to playlist' title='Add to playlist'>

As you can see, the onClick action uses album.id=32 while the album
link at bit below uses album.id=75. The track id 964 used for the cover
image belongs to album 75, so the album link is correct but the onClick
action link is incorrect.

I suppose the problem is in the openAlbumTD block in

Then again, this is a bug, but it is not urgent for me, so in case you
can't solve this easily I would prefer that you worked on all the other
stuff instead (such as the native client or the iPengSupport


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=44112

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