On 20-Apr-08, at 9:16 AM, beaststwo wrote:

> After this change, all my alarms now work.  Only problem is that now
> fill24HScheduler runs every minute between 12:00AM and 12:59AM, but
> this shouldn't be hard to fix.
> Does this seem reasonable?

Anything that works would be reasonable.  The change doesn't  
fundamentally alter the line of code except that what was clearly  
happening before the fix is that checkAlarms is not running around  
midnight.  The idea is to run the scheduler as little as possible, and  
check alarms as little as possible.  This is done by filling the  
scheduler once a day, on startup or when a change is made to an  
alarm.  The checker should then only run once a day or run a few time  
near a scheduled alarm in order to catch the correct time.

More recent code changes made this scheduler a bit more sloppy in  
order to support FuzzyTime.  I wonder if that cause a slight slip  
under certain circumstances.  Ideally I would still prefer to force a  
check around midnight each day.  I'll look into it.

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