Just uploaded a new version of Moose to the usual signatory places..

Main new feature is support for MusicIP..
For this to work you must have a recent-ish nightly of SqueezeCentre
7.1 and MusicIP both happily working together..
Currently support is limited to the context menus in the library, tree
view, cover chooser and now playing playlist.
If you click 'Create MusicIP playlist' a new dialog will open with the
proposed playlist in.
If you're not happy, there's an option to re-request it, otherwise, click play.
If the list is empty it's probably either because the selected seed
item hasnt been scanned, or no player is connected..

Also in 0.67 I've added track support to the cover chooser.. Again
this is via the context menu, and you can play, add or insert
individual tracks.

Other changes include:
* Library - track number sorting now supports more than 100 tracks correctly
* Library - internal structure altered and auto-rescan code tweaked
* Library - contents now updated post rescan


- Dr Lovegrove
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