This plugin enables Linux PC audio to be streamed through
SqueezeCenter. Similar functionality to the WaveInput for Windows see ).  

This plugin assumes ALSA is the installed audio subsystem.  This plugin
will *not* work with an OSS audio subsystem.  

The plugin is minimal mainly 2 conf file so that an ALSA PCM stream is
played through Squeezecenter.  Normally the ALSA stream used will be
the PC audio out but it can be any ALSA stream so that the stream could
be a virtual soundcard (e.g. on a PC with no real audio hardware). 

A typical use of this plugin would to play internet streams  which work
on PC which cannot be played from SC (e.g. flash audio such as NPR or
new BBC). 

Install by unpacking the attached .tar.gz file into the Plugins
directory according to your distro.  The new directory in Plugins will
be called WaveInput.  The most difficult part in getting this plugin to
work will probably be the ALSA configuration.  Typically the user will
use an appropriate mixer application (e.g. amixer, alsamixer, Kmixer, 
Gnome-alsamixer) to configure the correct stream to be used in

A good installation will have a new FileType wavin under
Settings/Advanced/File Types. The wavin FileType should have at least
the WAV and Flac entries enabled - the mp3 entry will only be enabled
if lame is installed.

There is no user interface. The ALSA stream is played through the URL 
wavin:<PCM_STREAM> where <PCM_STREAM> is the ALSA PCM name.  Typically
this will be "default" (i.e.  wavin:default )  but it could be any
stream named in ALSA configuration files (e.g. .asoundrc,
/etc/asound.conf)   The user should create an entry in Favorites or My
Radio Stations, the name is arbitrary and the URL will be typically

The default custom-convert.conf file uses -arecord- (normally supplied
as part of ALSA)  to copy audio stream to SC.  However -arecord- is not
great when converting live streams and drops out can occur when overruns
occur (i.e. arecord was too slow processing audio)   A second conf file
is supplied configured to use -ecasound- (see )  - the configuration supplied is much
better than arecord but dropouts can still occur - however there are
more ecasound options that can be explored.  If you have ecasound
installed - just save existing custom-convert.conf file in
Plugins/WaveInput and then rename custom-convert.conf.eca to
custom-convert.conf. Then restart SC.

As stated above getting ALSA configured correctly may be the difficult
part - you may find it easier to test different setting of the mixer
while recording using an application such as Audacity, Krecord as they
provide visual feedback rather using SC. Sometimes the problem may not
be the correct source but incorrect level settings.  The configuration
settings of mixer will probably depend on the audio hardware and the
associated driver.  Some drivers do not support the mix facility and so
this plugin will not work with those drivers.

|Filename: WaveInput.tar.gz                                         |

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