OK, I have an explanation for most of the behavior, but since I don't
have that player, I can't really test it to find fixes.
cakes;324349 Wrote: 
> The now playing screen remains black, but when you pause and then play,
> the albumart displays again.
> ...
> I also cannot flick right (to playlist) or left (to plugin page). 
Are you able to flick as soon an the albumart shows up again? This
looks to me like the server delivering some odd data so that iPeng does
not create the album display page. No idea why. But if you don't have
the page, you also cannot flick it...
> Worse is that it is not possible to use the skip buttons. 
Hm... As of michael's advice I switched to using the remote control
commands for this (solved some other issues), maybe these now don't
work with your player. Does the default skin on a Computer do the job?
> Similar problems when playing a lastfm stream with SqueezeScrobbler (By
> the way, a fantastic integration really ! Superb !). Skip buttons do not
> work. Also the lastfm page itself behaves very strange: whenever that
> page refreshes, a skip is performed. 
Only on that player or on any player? I admit I haven't really looked
into SC since the "official" LastFM plugin came out. I will check.
Does that "skip at refresh" behavior happen on automatic refreshes? Or
if you manually refresh the page? Shouldn't happen anyway, uses
> While I hope you keep focusing on a native app, it would be nice to see
> this solved somewhere along the way. I really love this ipeng/SC setup
> !

I do. I have an almost-ready 0.6 around here that I'm currently not
finishing up since it suffers from some random rendering issues in the
2.0 firmware. I hope the 2.1 will be better but I didn't have time to
try out the beta. At least I just found out that it behaves better on
the real thing than on the simulator I used for development.

Would be a pity to drop this since it has some pretty significant speed
and handling improvements over the 0.5.


see iPeng at penguinlovesmusic.com
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