> thanks for the patched version. It is not exactly the same behavior as
> before, but it solved the problem with the rating.

Great! That's the part I haven't tested.

> In MIS i have set upper left to 'album' and lower left to 'TITLE -
> ARTIST (TRACKSTATDYNAMICRATING)'. With MIS 4.1.3, instead of album, the
> name of the radiostation/Playlist was shown during internet radio. Now
> it shows up 'Now Playing' upper left and the correct track of the radio
> station. For me it is ok now.

I see. There used to be x handlers for all kinds of items. I've reworked them 
to use one generic mechanism. But I haven't taken care of this detail. Will see 
what I can do.

> Nevertheless, it seems to me that there is no automatic update of the
> title when the next song is played in internet radio streams :-(

In Plugin.pm almost at the bottom there's the following code:

$customFormats->{'_MIS_REMOTE_' . $tag} = {
        'cb' => \&Plugins::MusicInfoSCR::Info::getRemoteData,
        'cache' => -1

Make the cache value 1 (instead of -1) and start again. Does it fix the issue? 
What stream did you test with? I thought I had tested it with Radio Paradise. 
Does the web UI or Controller update correctly in these cases?

Please note that I'll be away for a few days. I'm not sure whether I'll be 
online before next week. So please be patient :-).


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