
VersaRadio is a new plugin that can retrieve meta data (song
information and album covers when available) from the web. This is
needed for web radios that don't include meta data within the audio
stream but provide this information on its website.
In addition to meta data (or instead), VersaRadio can associate
specific icon for the streams you're listening.

You can see VersaRadio in action in the two images attached to this

Right now, VersaRadio only has support for three radios, but adding new
radios is rather easy. This easiness though needs some basic programming
knowledge (perl and regular expressions).

Before going in beta stage, I'd like to include support for new radios.
If you're interested, I'll be glad either to include specific radio
module you would have written for VersaRadio or if you don't have
programming skills to write these new modules myself.

For those interested in writing a module, you can take a look there:

If you can't write module but would like support for a new radio, you
can write me providing:
1. Name of the radio
2. url of the stream
3. good quality image for radio icon
4. url(s) where meta data for the stream is available

(I can't promise I'll write a module for your radio, but I'll try...
priority will be given to include fully written radio modules)

In either case, you can write me at "robinsp+slimdevices ]a.t[

PS: VersaRadio took advantage of SqueezeCenter 7.3 new functions and
will only work from this version of SC.

|Filename: versaradiosample2.jpg                                    |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6164|

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