nacmacfeegle;366235 Wrote: 
> Would the No Setup plugin 
> do what you want?
> Kids could play with the 'real remote' but not be able to access any
> server config settings...??

I'm afraid not -- NoSetup does half of what I want, prevent setup
changes, but doesn't take care of the other half -- making the
Squeezebox easy for my very young kid to use. I'm waiting for delivery
of a universal remote to use with this (at which time I can do more
testing & release it officially), but I've got a version of the plugin
written and in my testing area. Info about it is at

I'm still considering how to handle held buttons and repeated button
presses. The current code has logic to help deal with both (after
pressing a button & invoking a KidsPlay macro, that button will be
ignored until it has been released for a couple seconds), but I fear
it's a poor compromise between accommodating juvenile dexterity and
maintaining usability for adults. That's especially true for the Boom
overrides (for quite a while I've wanted options for customizing the
Boom preset buttons, so I added the ability to redefine them in
addition to JVC buttons). 

I'm not even sure I like the KidsPlay name -- the ability to map sets
of CLI commands to Boom preset buttons has little to do with juvenile
use. But I had to call it something... did I mention it's not in my
official release repo yet?

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