Hi,  I just got my new iMac recently, i have installed Mac OS SC and it
works fine.

Currently reformating my external hard disc to FAT32 from previous NTFS
format, hope it works.

Now my question is how to migrate my Trackstat from Windows platform
(Vista) to Mac OS?

Previously my external HDD is recognised at G drive, however, i found
that Mac OS does not assign a drive but recognise as a volume\<HDD
label>, am i correct to just rename G: to volume\<HDD label> ?

I wish i can keep my trackstat which has been recorded at 5MB file

Thanks in advance



Tajima Power Conditioner &#61614; Squeezebox 3 / Cambridge Audio 540C
V2 &#61614; VDL The Source (CA) / AQ Copperhead (SB3) &#61614; Krell
KAV-400xi &#61614; Chord Carnival Silver Plus / VDL Goldwater (current)
&#61614; Sonus Faber Concertino Domus &#61614; Supra 2.5 LoRad power
cord (CA & Krell)

Window Vista - SC Official 7.3 Version: 24282 (14 Dec) - Firmware :

' A u r o n t h a s ' s   B l o g ' (http://auronthas.blogspot.com)

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