radish;379788 Wrote: 
> There's nothing stopping OtherPlayers from doing a sync in the opposite
> direction as well (same as push/pull playlist, which I use a lot more
> often than sync). Can you clarify exactly the scenario you're thinking
> of? (I have to admit to not being sure which was A/B in your
> description).

I'll try... I'm listening to player A, and not surprisingly that's the
currently-chosen player on the Controller.  I decide that I'd like to
play the same thing on players B and C (ideally without interrupting
the music on A).  So I try what worked under 7.2. I go to Other
Players, choose B, then "Sync with B". But now, A stops playing (or
starts playing whatever B was playing), because sync now runs in the
other direction. Player A now has acquired B's playlist. If I now go
back to Other Players, choose C and then "Sync with C", a now acquires
C's playlist; and (crucially) sync between A and B is broken, so I
can't even try to recreate A's old playlist on A, B and C, because
they're still not all sync'd.

Presumably, to get A synced as master with both B and C (I hope my
language is clear here), I have to choose one of B or C first.  This is
bad enough, as switching between players on the Controller is pretty
slow (at least, it's always been that way for me); this was what I
loved about Other Players before 7.3. If, as I fear, I have to "visit"
all three, then that's just too tedious for words.  (I say "if",
because I've never tried to sync all three this way.) Might as well
just stop A (perhaps waiting for the current track to end), and use The

(Incidentally, right now my three players are sync'd; but with the
controller looking at Living Room (which should be the master, but see
later), Other Players shows it as sync'd with Upstairs, but not with
Kitchen. I guess there's an explanation along the lines of "mumble
mumble sync groups," but I can't be bothered to figure it out.  Just to
complete my day: though Living Room has Crossfade set (according to the
controller), it ain't happening.  Am I really going to have to turn it
on for every player? Please, no!)

I do use grab/send playlist occasionally, but really do need sync most
of the time as I can hear more than one player from many parts of the

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie
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