melomania;433009 Wrote: 
> Is it possible for me to adapt your code?
> For instance by filling in the RS232 sequences needed for the Tact?

Sure. All the code is there, and you're welcome to change it as needed
-- my code is released under the GPL.

Here's the core rs232 logic, in a nutshell:
- there's a single queue of commands to be sent (shared by all
- each queue entry knows what player it's for, what to send to the
rs232 port, and how many lines of response to expect from the amp
- after sending a command, the plugin won't expect a response for some
period of time (fraction of a second), and it uses the SqueezeCenter
scheduler API to let SqueezeCenter do other things in the meantime
- once it starts reading the response, the plugin keeps reading until
-- it gets the expected number of response lines (there's also some
logic to try and figure out if the expected # of response lines has
changed; for instance, the Denon will send different #s of response
lines depending on things like whether the amp is on or in standby
-- a certain maximum response time has elapsed
-- a certain amount of time has elapsed since the last response line
- the responses are bundled into an array and processed by a routine
- once it has finished reading a response, it will not send another
command for  a certain amount of time (give the amp a break) -- again,
using the SqueezeCenter scheduler API

There are 3 basic queries that it sends -- power status (PW?), volume
level (MV?), and input source (SI?). And currently three basic commands:
set volume (MVnnn), unset muting (MUOFF), set power (PWON|PWSTANDBY). I
intend to add the ability to set source, and possibly to set/unset other
Denon attributes, like sound processing modes. If the Tact protocol is
similar ("lines" terminated by carriage returns and/or linefeeds), it
shouldn't be too bad to modify my code. You'd mainly want to look at the
routines processCommandFromQueue, getResponse, processResponses, any
place that my code calls the enqueue routine, and the
volumeSBToDenon/volumeDenonToSB routines. getResponse is rather ugly at
the moment (dearth of comments, logic basically pasted into two spots
instead of being pushed into a method).

If you can point me to Tact serial protocol documentation, I could give
you a better idea how tough I think it'd be. And, who knows, maybe even
be inspired to make my plugin support both brands. I might've done that
for Yamaha since they also make relatively inexpensive gear w/ serial
ports, but IIRC they had some annoying web site that requires users to
create login accounts before getting any documentation. Best way to stop
an open source project from supporting your hardware is to put the docs
behind some annoying clickthrough barrier.

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