pippin;439383 Wrote: 
> OK, crashing after 6s with a 7.3.3 server sounds bad, never had that.
> A few things to check:
> On Penguinlovesmusic.com only these issues refer to the App, the rest
> is about the plugin and apply to you:
> http://penguinlovesmusic.de/ipeng-application/how-to-use-the-ipeng-application/known-issues/
> So your #2 doesn't apply here.
> also, #6 should have no effect as should #7 (iPeng doesn't use port
> 9090).
> Apart from that:
> 1. Could you check whether all your players really have names. That
> bug's supposed to fix but I can't test this very well since a player not
> having a name is not a legal state in SC and thus I can't reproduce it.
> You can change a player name in the SqueezeCenter settings under
> "Player-><Player Name>"
> 2. Are you sure there is no other machine on your network running
> SqueezeCenter 7.4? If so, temporarily shut it down until you have
> connected iPeng to your main server.
> 3. I don't believe the issue is that you can't connect to the server
> since I don't believe iPeng crashes after 6s without a server. In any
> case, you can add a server if you turn off wifi, start iPeng and then go
> to "Settings->iPeng Settings".
> If all this doesn't help, could you grant me access to your server? You
> would have to forward port 9000 (not 9090) on your router.

Gezzzz this is so much FUN!! My player had a name so I renamed it to
myth player, thinking maybe that will fix it. NOOOOOOO know the player
just flashes red, Not amount of resets or unplugs fixes it!!! UGHHHH

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