Could you find a specific song that doesn't work ?

In that case, I would like you to enable debug level logging on
plugin.trackstat and then post or mail me the section of the log that
contains rows related to the server.log file. You can post/send the
whole log file if it isn't too large or you can cut out the section
related to the file plus 20 extra rows before and after in a text

If you run TrackStat with debug logging enabled, you should see rows
that indicates that ratings or other statistics is imported for each
specific track.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
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