I really like the look of them Erland.

Controller: I say leave it in that orientation. Nothing else about the
controller has it on it's side, and it's not like you can charge it like
that either.

Could you have a setting for clouds? 

A thought that I had was to effectively extend the Antarctic down and
have the time/text in black on a white background. Also, where you have
lots of room, like on Controller and Touch, could you have sunrise and
sunset times as well?


my collection:
*1*x squeezebox radio
*1*x squeezebox touch
*1*x squeezebox boom
*2*x controller, *1*x receiver
*2*x sb3 (sliver/black), *1*x sb2 wired (silver)
*1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

interested in any others if you have them!
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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=67787

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