andynormancx;457979 Wrote: 
> using the Controller as a player has never been advertised as a feature,
> so no one here has bought it after being told by Logitech that it is a
> player, only to find their headphone socket doesn't switch reliably
They are many (!) reviews out there who advert the headphone out.
Actually its really hard to find a review which doesn't talk about the
headphone out. I bought the Duet and would have sworn that this was an
official feature!

Only after I realized it wasn't working I started to look on the
packaging and logitech-site in order to prepare for complaining.
As you correctly point it isn't advertized there, so no base for

Nevertheless I still feel really disappointed.

> great though this switcher app is, it isn't actually a fix that the SB
> developers could use. There is already code in the Controller that can
> switch the speaker off, it is just the automatic detection of a
> headphone insert event that is unreliable
This is right I just call the code which would've been called
automatically when headphone changes were detected correctly.
Currently even directly calling the hardware 'tell me, is there
currently a headphone inserted' from the linux-shell doesn't give the
correct answer.
So either there is a bug really deep down in the firmware, or some
controllers are just broken and noone has the guts to tell the truth.

> The problem is that all their developers have been extremely busy for
> many months getting the new Squeezebox Radio and Touch ready.
As much as I appreciate this, as much I'm disappointed on how this case
is handled. I recently tried a lot to help in narrowing down the problem
- but didn't even get simplest advise on what to do next.
Now the bug is marked as depending on a private bug, noone has access
This is really disappointing for one of the top-10-most voted bugs.

If I'd only knew whether logitech is able to reproduce the problem,
which is the first step in solving it, I'd be far happier.
Let's face it: tracking down the problem will be a real time-consuming
task. I think this time will (or could) mostly be spent by enthusiast
like me trying to provide logs if there was just some small guidance
from logitech. I even started to compile Jive myself but was lost
because there was no point to start from.

>From an economic point of view I'm just afraid that there will be
always more important stuff going on at logitech than to solve a bug in
a never advertized feature for customers who already bought the
This is a dilemma and I can only repeat my willingness to spent time on
professionally tracking down the problem with the least time to be spent
by logitech engineers.


One SB-Duet+Receiver. Server running on Linkstation NAS (LS-CHL).
Needing one more device for bedroom and waiting for the radio :)
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