On 2009-09-29, at 9:39 PM, erland wrote:

> kdf;462987 Wrote:
>> I get the browse option under My Music on the controller, but not for
>> Touch or Radio.  Nothing other than a note showing registering of the
>> applet in the logs.  Screensaver option works fine on all of them.
>> -kdf
> The browse option isn't available on Touch yet since I haven't found
> out how to catch the navigation events on it yet, it seems to differ
> compare to the Radio and Controller. However, the browse menu should  
> be
> available on the Radio.
> I assume you are connected to a local Squeezebox Server ?

yes indeed.

> Does it never appear or does it appear sometimes but disappears when
> you switch to mysqueezebox.com ?

how exactly does the 'my music' menu work when connected to MySB?  I  
only see it trying to connect to the local library so not exactly a  
success there.

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