I've just upgraded my SSOTS and SC to the latest versions as below-
iPlayer was working just fine before on SSOTS 3.15 and SC7.3 Getting the
same symptoms - no sound on any feed from iPlayer although the Duet
display shows all the right things. No sound on my Boom or squeezeplay
either. Everything else works fine now. There seem to be several other
people over on the QNAP forum with this very same problem I think. I've
tried all the AAC/MP3/WMA settings to no avail.I'm in the UK. Any ideas
or anything I can do to diagnose the problem??
Have attached a log with iplayer settings to debug.

|Filename: log.zip                                                  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=8600|


Regards Alex

SSOTS Release 4.1-7.4.0 (31st Oct 09) 
SqueezeServer Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 (31st Oct 09)
Wi-Fi connection via Netgear GS108T/Thompson TG585V7/NetgearWG602
Squeezebox Duet - optical feed to Audiolab 8000DAC/Pre/Power
Squeezebox Boom
Softsqueeze 3.8
alexandali's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=18872
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=69588

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