bpa;486919 Wrote: 
> Find the SBS server\Bin directory - it should have executables such as
> flac and sox in a subdirectory.

Still no joy. In the Squeezeboxserver\Bin directory I can't find faad.
I can find it in the SSOTS directory but I don't know how to execute
Output is below - maybe you have some more ideas.

[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer] # ls
Bin/                      Changelog6.html           License.fr.txt     
SQL/                      scanner.pl*
CPAN/                     Changelog7.html           License.he.txt     
SSODS_AUTOSTART           slimserver.pl*
Cache/                    Firmware/                 License.it.txt     
SSODS_NOUPNP              slimservice-convert.conf
Changelog.html            Graphics/                 License.nl.txt     
Slim/                     slimservice-strings.txt
Changelog1.html           HTML/                     License.txt        
cleanup.pl*               slimservice.pl*
Changelog2.html           IR/                       Logs/              
convert.conf              strings.txt
Changelog3.html           Installation.txt          MySQL/             
lib/                      types.conf
Changelog4.html           License.de.txt            Plugins/           
Changelog5.html           License.es.txt            Prefs/             
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer] # cd Bin
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Bin] # ls
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Bin] # faad
-sh: faad: command not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Bin] # cd /
[/] # find -name faad
[/] # cd /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # faad
-sh: faad: command not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # ls
alac*             date*             id*               madplay*         
oggenc*           rmdir*            tar*
awk@              df*               id3convert*       metaflac*        
ogginfo*          sed*              top*
bash*             du*               id3cp*            mkdir*           
openssl*          shorten*          touch*
bunzip2*          enable-telnet.sh* id3info*          mp3gain*         
pcregrep*         sleep*            uname*
bzip2*            faad*             id3tag*           mpc123*          
pcretest*         snice*            vorbiscomment*
cat*              flac*             id3v2*            mv*              
perl*             sort*             w*
chmod*            free*             kill*             mysql*           
pgrep*            sox*              watch*
chown*            gawk*             lame*             mysqld@          
printenv*         sqlite3*          watch_swap.sh*
cp*               grep*             ln*               nice*            
ps*               ssctrl*           wavpack*
curl*             gunzip*           locale*           ogg123*          
readlink*         sudo*             wvgain*
cut*              gzip*             ls*               oggdec*          
rm*               tail*             wvunpack*
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # faad*
-sh: faad: command not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # exec faad
-sh: exec: faad: not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] # exec faad*
-sh: exec: faad: not found
[/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SSOTS/bin] #


~~~~ System Info ~~~~
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 65)
QNAP 209 pro II
SSOTS:  4.1-7.4.0
Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 - r28947 @ Tue Oct 20 08:02:44 PDT
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
BBC iPlayer (v0.9f)
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)
MunichMelly's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33549
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=70812

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