
Im trying to setup slimnas for my dad. Ive installed the latest build
of FreeNas (LiveCD 0.7 i386)
I downloaded the latest version of SlimNas from your website today
I downloaded squeezeboxserver-7.4.2-29296-noCPAN.tgz

I followed the following guide at smallnetbuilder titled "How To Build
a SqueezeCenter Server with FreeNAS and a T5700" and all went well, i
ran the command (bin/sh /mnt/YourShareHere/slimnas/slimnas-install.sh)
which went fine and i got the Extensions tab appear. I then went into
the Squeezebox server page and got the screen up.

The problem is it is not showing the options to install the squeezebox
server software. Ive tried renaming it to squeezecenter-noCPAN.tgz and
that did not work either. I read the post by elightbo who seemed to have
the same issue but i did not understand the fix he did. 
Ive ran the dir command (ive got no experiance in linux) and got the

$ ls -l /mnt/Data/slimnas
total 117360
drwxrwxrwx  3 www  wheel       512 Nov 21 14:54 etc
-rwxrw-rw-  1 ftp  wheel       837 Nov 19 23:15 slimnas-install.sh
-rwxrw-rw-  1 ftp  wheel  15756572 Nov 19 22:58 slimnas.tgz
-rwxrw-rw-  1 ftp  wheel  22127238 Nov 19 23:53
-rwxrw-rw-  1 ftp  wheel  22128102 Nov 21 14:08
drwxrwxrwx  6 ftp  wheel       512 Oct 19 11:55 usr
drwxrwxrwx  3 www  wheel       512 Nov 21 14:54 var

Does anyone have any idea where i have gone wrong?



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