2009/12/23 NFLnut <nflnut.43nsdz1261591...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com>:
> Hey Doc .. thanks for the update!
> I do have one question .. I've been using Moose for at least a couple
> of years now, and I was fooling around with the "Party" mode which I
> almost never use. I can't seem to remember, nor find a listing of, the
> key sequence to get it back to normal mode. Could you point me to the
> page that details keyboard shortcuts/how to do that?

The Party Mode key shortcut is "<CTRL><SHIFT><P>" This should turn it on/off..

> Another thing .. before I "permanently" relegated it to Party mode, I
> didn't see the shuffle or repeat buttons. Where did they go?

They should still be there.. They've got drop-down menus on now to help things..

> The columns in the playlist cannot be resized. Either that, or it's my
> screwy computer.

Some of the columns are resizable and some are auto-sizing.. The idea was
to eliminate wasted space and not require a horizontal scroll bar.. You can turn
columns on/off by menu-clicking in the header area..


- Dr Lovegrove
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